Highlighted Features
Chats: You like a particular product or ad you can communicate with the seller directly through chat
Service provider registration system
You can add your activity and get an unlimited number of requests, then you can select the working hours that suit you with monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual subscriptions depending on your desire and budget
Order and delivery system
Do not worry about ordering and delivery, according to the agreement with the service provider or the seller on the method of payment, shipping and delivery, product quality and verification
Security and reliability:
There are two types of advertisers and sellers institutions, companies and individuals institutions are registered by official papers such as commercial registration and national identity so you can trust them
Make sure the quality
You can review service provider reviews, positive or negative reviews and feedback from the customer who has already experienced the seller
Have a question?
Not sure about the problem of ordering or need an assistant of experience, you can contact the administration of the application by phone or message system.